
Club Play

Mondays at Turtle Bay, 1119 Decatur St
6-10 PM — Tournament starts for 7 PM
Four rounds, G/15;d0, $1 entry fee ($2 if you don't buy anything)
USCF-membership required for the tournament, skittles space available
All ages and skill levels welcome!

Tuesdays at Morning Call, 5101 Canal Blvd
Registration for 6:30 PM, pairings for 7 PM
Five rounds over five weeks, G/90;d5, $5 entry fee (prizes at end of five-week sequence)
USCF-membership required
All ages and skill levels welcome! Join any week.

Thursdays at Cafe Envie, 1241 Decatur St
Registration for 6:45 PM, first round for 7 PM
USCF-membership required
Four rounds, G/15;d0, $1 entry fee ($2 if you don't buy anything)

Tournament Play

We organize large, all-ages tournaments every few months. Register using the links below,

In 2024 - 2025, we will co-organize a youth chess season with Strategic Thoughts NOLA. Register using the links below,

All tournament and club play requires a valid US Chess Federation (USCF) membership.